Saturday, November 20, 2010

Battery Recyling Public Service Announcement

The students in Div. 35 have been experimenting with a new application called Glogster.
Some examples are provided below.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stave Falls Field Trip

Stave Falls Field Trip Recount 

The Stave Falls field trip last Friday was interesting and helped me understand more about electricity and hydroelectric dams. The field trip first started with a short movie about the water cycle and how water is turned into electricity. We were than split into 2 groups grade six’ and sevens. The small groups allowed the tour guides to talk and answer our questions more easily. The grade six tour guides name was Janice, she was very friendly and knew a lot about Stave Falls’ past and how the dam works. She encouraged us to look at many different displays. One of the displays contained possessions and information about the man who created the dam, his name was Mr. Milner. It was cool because Milner was our tour guides great grandpa. The next activity turned out to be the highlight of my day. There was a whole area of interactive displays for us to try. Some of the things the displays demonstrated were that gas and water could be turned into electricity and another is if you take one big step near a fallen power pole you would get shocked. At the end of the activity we were shown a very unique demonstration on how electricity is formed it is called the Tesla coil. 

All the grade six’ then followed Janice to the generator hall where we found a huge bridge crane, turbines and generators. She explained how generators, turbines and bridge cranes worked. 

Janice also gave us a quick history lesson about the actual building of the dam. The builders of the dam had to live in tiny cottages at a nearby town called Stave Falls so they could be right by the place they worked. We made our way outside and Janice pointed out that the big brown tubes are called penstocks. It was neat to see an actual penstock instead of seeing it drawn on a diagram. This field trip was my first trip to the Stave Falls Power House and with so much to look at and learn I would definitely make a return trip. 
By Cassidy 

Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!!!

On Friday our class didn’t have a Halloween party like some of the other classes, in my mind we did something much better. No work!! Well actually we carved pumpkins, which is awesome too, and so technically we did no work. We all were told to bring in a pumpkin and a scooper. There is something I bet you a teacher has never said to you before. Then we drew on the face or design we wanted to carve, and took it outside, where the teachers carved out our top, and we started to de-gunk our soon to be jack-o-lanterns.

Once we had done that it was time to start carving out the front. There were sad faces, happy faces, mad faces, and a whole bunch of other faces. 

Once everyone had finished carving, we all took our pumpkins over to the fence and had a group photo. Mackenzie must not have liked her pumpkin, because she threw her lid at someone….Alright, no she didn’t, it fell off, right after she was saying how funny it would be if you dropped your pumpkin on someone in the front row! It was a great school moment.
By Jamie

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

We Must Run

Today I am going to write about the running we are doing in class. Mr. Mac said we are going to try to do a run every week. This includes the 12-minute run, the running club circuit and running down to the park. For the first time this week, we ran down to the Maple Ridge Park and ran back.

Some of us really like doing these runs. I do think doing these runs is really good for all of us, because they are building our endurance, which is what we need. But if only it could be the 6-minute run!

By Makenna