Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Weekly Riddle

Two mothers and two daughters go fishing, each of them catch ONE FISH, all together, they have three fish, How is this possible?

Inquiry Projects 2011

As part of the school district's One-to-One Laptop Project, our class has been participating in project-based learning. 

This term, our class focused a large portion of our time to investigating a local issue through our Inquiry Projects. Each group had to choose a current issue that affects the community, come up with a question to answer and then investigate the issue through research. They also had to create a survey and contact experts in the field to help form an opinion about the topic. 

Everyone worked very hard on their project. Check out the linked blog to see all groups' Inquiry Projects. 

Canada's Hockey Team

In the news recently, there has been some discussion about whether or not the Vancouver Canucks are "Canada's Hockey Team". Well, Div. 35 says that they are, and to help prove our point, we have created glogs to show our support for "Canada's Hockey Team". Check out some of the glogs made by our class last week. 

Canuck Glog #1
Canucks Glog #2 
Canucks Glog #3
Canucks Glog #4
Canucks Glog #5
Canucks Glog #6

The Stanley Cup is coming to Vancouver and it will be brought home by "Canada's Hockey Team"! Believe in Blue

Monday, May 23, 2011

Div. 35 Supports the Green Men

Last week, everyone in the class took on the challenge of creating a promotional video to show our support of The Green Men. Check out some of the videos below! Go Canucks Go! 

Created By Mackenzie and Alexis: Vancouver and The Green Men

Created By Jolana: Home Ice Advantage 

Created by Marenda and Hannah: The Ultimate Fan 

Created By Sarah: The Green Men Go Viral 

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Div. 35s Young Me, Now Me

The Task: Last week’s Cybertheme required everyone in the class to find one of their favourite pictures from when they were younger, recreate it and take a new picture.

The Results: Watch the video

to see how we all have (and have not) changed.

Challenge yourself and see if you can guess who it is before the "Now Me" picture comes up! Thanks to everyone who submitted their photos!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Riddle of the Week

What is wrong with the statement below?
What is wrong with the statement above?
Answers need to be submitted by Thursday night. We will reveal the answer on Friday. 

Submitted by  Matthew A. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Up in the Air

Whoosh! There they go! The wind in your hair! Or your, paper. Today Division 35 had a paper airplane contest, and it was exciting even though I didn't make it through the first cut. The winner got a large Aero bar, which most people know is my favorite kind of chocolate. The stakes were high and we threw our planes, one-by-one. I knew something was wrong when I threw my plane and WHAM! It was on the ground, two feet away from me. I was devastated, my favorite kind of chocolate, no longer able to be claimed by me. But when I got home I got a cookie, so it's all good. 

During the second round the remaining ten threw one-by-one and when Alex R.'s plane came up with the best time again, I figured he would win. Birthday Boy's luck I suppose. But Alex made it into the next round with Michael J. He had a pretty good plane too. The first three threw and Alex made it the farthest, but one person was left: Michael J. He threw and the crowd held their breath and... he won. Michael J. was the victor and the Aero was his. I hive-fived Michael and Alex, Michael for winning and Alex for coming in second. The thing I said to Alex after we left to return to class was this: "You've got to show me how to make that plane for next year!"
By Matthew A.