Thursday, September 30, 2010

Creative Kaos Comes to Our Class

This week Shari Pratt, a local artist, came into our class. She owns Creative Kaos, which is an art school for kids and adults.This was an in class field trip. We were going to paint wild poppies. It was not an easy project. There were lots of steps and we certainly did not have a lot of time. All the hard work was definitely worth it. The finished pieces look amazing! It made everyone look like an artist.

Each picture had its own unique looks and features. To do this the class had to be split up. The grade sevens went first, and then after recess, we switched and it was the grade sixes turn. To paint the wild poppies, we had to first draw them out. When they were approved by the teachers that they were the right size, we outlined them in black sharpie. The next task was to paint the sky. They looked so cool because every level of the painting got lighter and lighter. Finally we got to paint our Wild Poppies! I would say that was the trickiest part of the project. All the poppies were fairly small and it was hard to get the detail and colour just right. In the end I think it all turned out great! Everyone was pleased with their art, and we all really enjoyed ourselves. I hope we will get another opportunity like this one before the end of the year! 
By Abby

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