Thursday, November 4, 2010

It's The Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown!!!

On Friday our class didn’t have a Halloween party like some of the other classes, in my mind we did something much better. No work!! Well actually we carved pumpkins, which is awesome too, and so technically we did no work. We all were told to bring in a pumpkin and a scooper. There is something I bet you a teacher has never said to you before. Then we drew on the face or design we wanted to carve, and took it outside, where the teachers carved out our top, and we started to de-gunk our soon to be jack-o-lanterns.

Once we had done that it was time to start carving out the front. There were sad faces, happy faces, mad faces, and a whole bunch of other faces. 

Once everyone had finished carving, we all took our pumpkins over to the fence and had a group photo. Mackenzie must not have liked her pumpkin, because she threw her lid at someone….Alright, no she didn’t, it fell off, right after she was saying how funny it would be if you dropped your pumpkin on someone in the front row! It was a great school moment.
By Jamie

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