Monday, February 14, 2011

Div. 35 Tie Dyes to Stop Bullying

It’s so much fun, and looks so cool when your done it. I’m talking about dying, tie dying of course! On Wednesday we all brought white t-shirts to school to dye our shirts white and pink for Anti-Bullying day on February 23. We all started by going outside and dunking our shirts in a big buck full of REALLY cold water! The we got into our “Tie Dye Buddies” and one person held one end and one person twisted and put a whole bunch of rubber bands around it. We had high school kids at school to help too because they had an “I Day”. Clair, Jack’s older sister, and Kelsey, both former Yennadon students, were here. Between the freezing water and the cold air after only five minutes our hands were frozen. It was just a little cold! Later, when we were about fifteen minutes in, the teachers brought in the dye. Ms.Wilson was going all in with her hands and Mr.Mac was making people put them in and he took a paint brush and was moving the shirts around with the end of the paint brush. I think he was too worried about his shirt getting pink! If only he was wearing his yellow and black shirt (AKA the “Bee Shirt”) I think Ms.Wilson might have “accidentally” pushed him in! Next we took off all the rubber bands and hung them to dry on the string Mr. Mac hung. Then the bell rang and we all went home. That was an awesome activity that I have never done before! I hope to do it again next year. :)
By Sheridan 

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