Wednesday, October 20, 2010

There was this one time in band class....

Today is Wednesday Oct.20, 2010 and this is the first post about the grade 6 and 7 band program that happens every Monday at 1:45 and Wednesday at 9:15 and lasts for 45 minutes on both days. In band today we had a substitute teacher today instead of our usual teacher Mr. Dumas. Today we started out playing "Go Tell Aunt Rhodie" and we kept playing through the last two rests of the song. Aside from that we started to get better at playing “Cambridge Overture” although some of us got kind of lost halfway through, the TOC said that the trumpets were a little quiet which isn't good because trumpets are quite loud. After we played “Cambridge Overture” a few times we went on to playing “Name Those Tunes” which was a lot better because we have been playing that song longer then “Cambridge Overture”. We played “Name Those Tunes” for the rest of the class time. After that we packed up and headed back to our classes for recess. 
By Matthew A. 

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