Friday, April 15, 2011

Teachers Vs. Students in Ultimate Floor Hockey Game

Since February, many of the grade 6 and 7 students in the school have been partaking in a lunch time intramural floor hockey tournament. Recently, the winning team was determined, and then they had the ultimate floor hockey experience - a game versus the teachers. Before the game, there was a lot of smack talk that the teachers were “going down” and would “suck”. Well, these claims proved to be false, as the teachers easily beat the students, with the final score being 6 to 1. Both Mr. Mac and Mr. Bondi scored two goals each. Mr. Mac might have scored more, if he had not met his defensive match in opposing player Mackenzie! 
All the students watching had a great time and enjoyed the play-by-play commentary provided by Kylar and Michael C.

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